my father

We all love our parents but I am lucky that I also draw inspiration from them. I look up to my father as a source of motivation and inspiration. He is my hero in the true sense. I admire his love towards his family, dedication towards work and concern for the environment and people around

.My father is a great human being and a great father.He has been a pillar for my family.He is highly qualified and is extremely dedicated towards his work. His dedication towards the family is as much as it is towards his work and this is one quality about him that I admire the most. My father is hard-working. He has been there for me at every step in life and supported me in all my decision.My father is not just my hero but an inspiration for everyone around. Besides being a great father, a good husband and an obedient son, he is a very noble human being. My father knows his responsibilities extremely well and never tries to escape from them. He is constantly there for us fulfilling each and every responsibility of our family. He is like the backbone of our family.I have learned a lot from this attitude of his. He has taught us how we must all take our responsibilities seriously and fulfil them happily.My father believes in working as a team. He does not expect my mother to do all the household tasks and handle the kids all on her own. He helps and supports her at every step. They both work as a team to make our house a better place to live.I always sincerely try to follow what my father teels me to do.Whwn i obey my father i am happy and meet with a great deal of success.I love my father and i am  very grateful to him for all that he does for me.When i fall sick it is my father who helps me get well.He takes care of with so much love and affection,and so i get well soon.I cannot repay all that my father does for me.I can make my father by following what he tells me to do becoming the person he wants me to become. This will mean so much to me. He treats everyone alike and does not distinguish between anyone based on their caste, religion or social status. Everyone in our family, extended family and neighbors  talks highly about him because of his extremely friendly and helpful nature. People come to him to seek advice as well as for help as they know he has the solution for every problem.

My father is indeed my hero. He has given us good values and brought out the best in us. He is not just my father. He is my best friend and my hero. 


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