one day with police

Students of grade 9 of Jagat Mandir School were taken to police Office which is located at Ranipokhari, Kathmandu.The police of nepal is resposible for maintaining law and order and prevention of crime according to the constition of nepal under the authority of the Minister of home aafairs.The main lae of metropolitan police office is to prevent crime amd the fear of crime and provide effective,healthy and prepared neighboohs throughtout the kathmandu valley.

He gave us knowledge about many things which is very important in our life. People are unaware about the positive aspects of police. As being a teenagers, I strongly agrees that most of our time is spend by using social media.But harms our life. We can also use it for good purpose like for educational and bussiness purpose. W e were shown the presentation about the misure of social media and cyber crime.He told us to be aware of bullying,rape case,blackmailing,sexting, and many more.Some video were shown us about cyber crime and rape case.After some time we went to control room of metropolitan police office. After we  completed our observation we went to Nepal Police Canine Operation Division. There were many dogs which have there on works. One dog have there own one work.There were foue types of dogs:Tracker dogs,Bomb dogs,Narcotics dogs, search and resuce dogs There are 8 types of breed : German Shepherd, Belgium Shepherd,Dutch Shepherd,Beagle, Labrador,Golsen Retriever,Cocker Spaniel,Bloodhound..All of these dogs have performed their talent and shoen us.

I would like to thank our school and police community partenrship for giving us thus opportunity. This one day police partnership program was very inspirational, motivational, effective intresting. We have learn many things from were which is very important for us in any situation.
                                                                      THANK YOU!


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